Health & Wellness

Your children are our highest priority and their health, safety and welfare is of top concern. By working together, we can educate and build awareness regarding illness in our community, enforce good hygiene, monitor wellness and follow guidelines and protocols to ensure the best possible learning environment for students and the health of the whole community.
We know early detection is a significant part of any disease mitigation and NTCA works closely with area health departments during times of heightened health concern.
NTCA campuses routinely teach and reinforce the following:
Proper hand washing (soap and water for 20 seconds and hand sanitizer in between)
Washing hands after certain activities, including bathroom breaks, after recess and before lunch
Cough and sneeze etiquette (cough into the upper sleeve or use tissue and dispose of it properly)
Keeping hands away from eyes, nose and mouth
Staying home if sick
And other healthy habits
Note: NTCA does share personal identifiable student health information with state and local public health entities on a need to know basis for the purposes of immunization compliance and communicable disease control as required by state law.